Tuesday, April 18, 2006

<- -> THIS close to being finished!

I am sooooo close now, I can FEEL it! I want to get a transparency to print all the sponsors names on and stick in the front cover of my album, then it can be sent! Probably cost a small fortune to send, it's pretty heavy!

And look, here's the box!
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I can just imagine them getting it and wrecking the top by ripping the tape off, but at least I have made an effort! And there is so much mod-podge on it, it's gotta be waterproof!

Do you know what's crazy? I'm starting to feel a bit at a loose end... this project has taken weeks, about six weeks of steady work, and now it's almost done, what do I do next?! *sigh*

Only THREE more days till we go away now! Excitement is building... it's going to be so fun! I'm going to miss my online friends, but still - vacation! YAY! Beach! Shells! Sun (I hope!!!)

Cheerio for now

Angelrat the Mildly Excited!


Susan C said...

Good luck Linda, my fingers are crossed for you. The box looks great by the way.

Anonymous said...

Looks awesome linda - GOOD LUCK - not that you need it

Tess said...

well Linda if your stuck for something to do, I have still got nearly 1500 pics of my holiday to be scrapped LOL.
I'm crossing fingers, toes, legs, everything for you You deserve to win after all your hard work!
Tess xx

Angelrat said...

Awww, thanks girls!
