Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Actually, Wednesday usually bites at our place, cos payday is Thursday, and so I am totally broke by Wednesday and we have all sorts of weird and wild dinners because I am soooooo not organised, but today I got paid early cos of the public holiday so we will be having enchiladas tonight. Yay!

I worked again today, and will be tomorrow too, so I am happy. I wanted so much to see the Year 7 food festival and the Year 10 display, and now I will get to! I'm taking easter eggs in with me tomorrow so all the kids in my tutor group will have a visit from the easter bunny... wonder if Lachlan will let me borrow his bunny ears?!

Last night I had a break from the A-Z... I made a nifty Photo Keeper, following the great and wonderful Bev Watt's instructions, and it came up really cute. I'll upload it later, when I photograph it. It was really fun!

That's about it for now... stay tuned to find out all the juicy goss on Break Up Day At Calwell High!!!!!

cheery bye from


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