Friday, December 09, 2005

Fun on Friday

As always, running around like a chook with it's head cut off... I seem to beaver away just to get nowhere! Nearly time to get the kids up for school, one of my least fave times of the day really. Robert needs to be summoned at least five or six times, then if he's in a bad mood he'll only grunt or growl for the following hour or so. Damn I hate that growl! Thank God for Stephanie's compliance and Lachlan's active cheerfulness! I dont really think Stephanie's a morning person either but she sort of drifts along so she's no trouble, you just have to keep her in motion!

Doesnt help that Scott is now off school, he wants to be awake so he can gloat (direct quote from him!!!)

At least I have nothing strenuous planned for today, except tidying... Terry's going to visit next Thursday so I have to make things spiffy for his benefit! I think I predict a tip-run in the near future :)

Ah well, must go rouse the young'uns.

Goal for today - learn how to link images properly!

Cheerio from

Somewhat Tired Angelrat.


Kelley said...

Gee - what i have to look forward to when my kids are at school!!
Hope you get them links worked out!!!

Angelrat said...

Aww, thanks guys!

I use photobucket to stash my pics, and I ALWAYS seem to pick the wrong link to make the pic show up on my blog (or anywhere else for that matter!)
