Thursday, January 04, 2007

school supplies...

Today I made a start on gathering the school supplies for my kids... only three of them have actual lists, so I took those lists to K-Mart today as K-Mart have a "back to school" sale. Major mistake going so early, I think, they still had Christmas cr@p all over the place the school stuff was going into, and not all the school stuff was out yet. The aisles are too close together for two trolleys to pass each other and this rotten cow could see I was caught until she moved, but she insisted on staying where she was... fink... her KID actually tried several times to move their trolley out of my way and she kept putting it back. I did escape in the end, fortunately!

Anyway, after doing battle with the crowds I have got about 2/3 of their stuff. Some books I will have to get from Jacaranda, and there's a few articles I can get locally but they can wait.

Scott's birthday is rapidly approaching too. He wants DVDs and games, and best of all he's planning to come with me to choose them so I cant possibly go wrong :)

I think it's time for a nice coffee now. Cheerio until next time!


1 comment:

scrapmumof6 said...

I hate the Back to School Sale! I try and get everything before it starts and even pay Annika to cover the books, I'm so hopeless at it, lol!
I've linked your blog to mine, hope that is okay?
Heiki :)