Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Daylight Saving = Mega Mondayitis!

Well, it's back to daylight saving! I love it, but I am not so fond of the transitions at the beginning and end! *YAWN* I always seem to get sooooo tired! The kids are outside playing in the back yard, which is nice considering it is after 7:00. Maybe they will get tired and go to bed early HA HA!

Well I have been a complete and absolute SLUG!!! Well, OK , I was sick for a while there, but I am heaps better now. Time to really MAKE A BIG PUSH to sell some stuff! The markets will be on in the evenings now, which I think will be better cos I wont be in full sunlight - scrapping is not easy with the sun beating down on you! Does funny things to your adhesives, apart from anything.

I have made a start on some Christmas tags. It was soooo funny, the first one I did just would NOT stick where I wanted it to. It's a shaker tag, and every time I went to put the bottom on, it was either the wrong way around (ie, the bottom of the frame turned out to be the side....) or not correctly aligned. It still isnt, but after four attempts I've decided that that one will be MY tag! I can stick it on my Christmas tree! The next one looks heaps better. I also made a cute little box to stick them IN.

Well, better feed the ratties, they will not feed themselves.

Angelrat the Slightly Demented.


Lali said...

Linda didn't realise you got yourself a blog - good for you. And you commented that the markets and selling stuff what is it that you sell.

LOL about the adhesive stuff in the heat.

Lali said...

What's up girl you haven't blogged since I found the site... hello anybody there ? LOL