Nah, not really! I worked today, in fact I could have worked at THREE different schools today! I went to Calwell cos that was where I was originally booked. This activity week thingy is kind of weird, one of the year 8s said that they should be allowed to stay home instead of having all these guest speakers and activities... I could see her point, as many students dont seem to really enjoy the stuff... but on the other hand, they just might pick up something useful. Who knows?!
Well, I think I should learn how to make my pics small, the one I put on yesterday makes my blog page sit all wrong! Pfft.
Oooh, speaking of size, you should see the new Heidi flowers... they are ENORMOUS!
Well, I had to go and do something else, and now guess what... it's TUESDAY now! Ah well, I shall just continue from before :)
The Heidi flowers... they are FAB! Once I get a pic of the page I used one on I'll put it on here. They look great!
Had a great day at work today, it's hard to believe the Education Dept will pay me for it! We saw a movie (Ice Age 2, it was really funny and very cute), then had lunch then went bowling. Well, I was a groupie rather than a player, but I would have been TOO embarrassed if I'd played, and did bad! I saw the game Scott won his ipod shuffle on, but couldnt work out what you were supposed to do, and I didnt see anyone else play it so I still dont know. Looked a bit like Tetris.
I'm working again tomorrow, I am really really hoping I'll get a guernsey on Thursday as that is the day that the Year 7s and Year 10s have their displays, apparently it's really excellent. Fingers crossed!
Well, cheery bye for now, gotta get a bit done before the terrorists arrive home.