Saturday! Gotta love the weekend!
Well, I have a busy schedule today. Gotta take Robert to be fitted for reading glasses, then Scott is going to Tom's house. In Hughes. Got some serious tidying to do. Like, A LOT! I might get daring and scrub the slate floors, heaven knows they need it but wow, that is a job that takes forever...
Scrapping-wise, I have three "teacher gifts" I'm working on, plus a secret santa. The one I did yesterday looks most swish, if the girl who gets it doesnt like it then I guess that is just bad luck, but I really think she'd have to be awfully fussy not to. The one I am working on now was soooooo hard to decide what to do, I really like this person so I dont want to do a scrubby job! I think I am on a winner though :) I also have three CJs waiting in the wings... just got five sent and now another mini-rush! Just think, there was a period of three or four months where I had NONE, it's like somewhere up the line people thought, oh no, it's coming up for the end of the year, better get these suckers home!
Wonder if I'll ever do "personal" scrapping again.... *grin*....
Well, better go strike a blow for queen and country!
Super Angelrat!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005
Fun on Friday
As always, running around like a chook with it's head cut off... I seem to beaver away just to get nowhere! Nearly time to get the kids up for school, one of my least fave times of the day really. Robert needs to be summoned at least five or six times, then if he's in a bad mood he'll only grunt or growl for the following hour or so. Damn I hate that growl! Thank God for Stephanie's compliance and Lachlan's active cheerfulness! I dont really think Stephanie's a morning person either but she sort of drifts along so she's no trouble, you just have to keep her in motion!
Doesnt help that Scott is now off school, he wants to be awake so he can gloat (direct quote from him!!!)
At least I have nothing strenuous planned for today, except tidying... Terry's going to visit next Thursday so I have to make things spiffy for his benefit! I think I predict a tip-run in the near future :)
Ah well, must go rouse the young'uns.
Goal for today - learn how to link images properly!
Cheerio from
Somewhat Tired Angelrat.
Doesnt help that Scott is now off school, he wants to be awake so he can gloat (direct quote from him!!!)
At least I have nothing strenuous planned for today, except tidying... Terry's going to visit next Thursday so I have to make things spiffy for his benefit! I think I predict a tip-run in the near future :)
Ah well, must go rouse the young'uns.
Goal for today - learn how to link images properly!
Cheerio from
Somewhat Tired Angelrat.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
I'm back - and madder than ever....
Well.... I have been soooooo busy catching up on things! I did a total of 25 ATCs for two different swaps, plus finished and mailed FIVE CJ's... it's either feast or famine with those things! Now I just have to get on top of the secret santa things... *sigh* they should have gone by now but i am sooooo stuck, it's the sort of thing I wish I could see what others have done so I have the idea of what I should do, but of course i cant cos it's SECRET! I shall just have to hope for the best that my victims, I mean recipients, dont feel tooooo ripped off :)
Now I can do some personal scrapping - or I would if I wasnt feeling so blocked... pfft. I need some really good pics, but I just dont seem to go where the fun pics are. I want to go to the zoo one day, i have a spiffy kit ready for zoo photos but I dont have anything appropriate. One day when the kids are at school, I think *evil grin*. It's pretty exxy to go there.
Oh well, more later.
Angelrat the Decidedly Potty
Now I can do some personal scrapping - or I would if I wasnt feeling so blocked... pfft. I need some really good pics, but I just dont seem to go where the fun pics are. I want to go to the zoo one day, i have a spiffy kit ready for zoo photos but I dont have anything appropriate. One day when the kids are at school, I think *evil grin*. It's pretty exxy to go there.
Oh well, more later.
Angelrat the Decidedly Potty
Monday, November 28, 2005
Going Batty
*sigh* - it's been a while since i've had good access to the net, what with my Telstra line going mental and then going on dial-up while I wait for my Optus modem to arrive. Stupid technology! I thought it was supposed to make things EASIER not more stressful!
Well, it's a funny day today. Rain overnight meant the cricket was washed out today before it even began. Since then it's alternated between cloudy and sunny, but it's been cold pretty much all day. Bit like Melbourne weather is supposed to be!
I really really need to get myself sorted. What with being off-line and working, I have gotten soooooo behind on all sorts of things. Maybe tomorrow (when I should be reconnected, please!) my goal can be, find out everything I've put my name down for and check the progress or lack thereof of everything. I know I am doing two secret santas (what WAS I thinking?!), and I think I'm supposed to be doing some ATCs. I like ATCs, the ones I have here are cute so I am happy enough to do that, I just cant remember how many, and when they are due!
Yep, OK, assuming that the modem comes, that's my goal. I shall check, then write it all down, then get ON THE JOB.
Well, I have no idea how long this will take to load. I dont dare put a pic in just in case it takes a LOOOOONG time. Tomorrow, I'll start putting pics in too!
Cheerio from
Angelrat <:3(-- )~~~
Well, it's a funny day today. Rain overnight meant the cricket was washed out today before it even began. Since then it's alternated between cloudy and sunny, but it's been cold pretty much all day. Bit like Melbourne weather is supposed to be!
I really really need to get myself sorted. What with being off-line and working, I have gotten soooooo behind on all sorts of things. Maybe tomorrow (when I should be reconnected, please!) my goal can be, find out everything I've put my name down for and check the progress or lack thereof of everything. I know I am doing two secret santas (what WAS I thinking?!), and I think I'm supposed to be doing some ATCs. I like ATCs, the ones I have here are cute so I am happy enough to do that, I just cant remember how many, and when they are due!
Yep, OK, assuming that the modem comes, that's my goal. I shall check, then write it all down, then get ON THE JOB.
Well, I have no idea how long this will take to load. I dont dare put a pic in just in case it takes a LOOOOONG time. Tomorrow, I'll start putting pics in too!
Cheerio from
Angelrat <:3(-- )~~~
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Daylight Saving = Mega Mondayitis!
Well, it's back to daylight saving! I love it, but I am not so fond of the transitions at the beginning and end! *YAWN* I always seem to get sooooo tired! The kids are outside playing in the back yard, which is nice considering it is after 7:00. Maybe they will get tired and go to bed early HA HA!
Well I have been a complete and absolute SLUG!!! Well, OK , I was sick for a while there, but I am heaps better now. Time to really MAKE A BIG PUSH to sell some stuff! The markets will be on in the evenings now, which I think will be better cos I wont be in full sunlight - scrapping is not easy with the sun beating down on you! Does funny things to your adhesives, apart from anything.
I have made a start on some Christmas tags. It was soooo funny, the first one I did just would NOT stick where I wanted it to. It's a shaker tag, and every time I went to put the bottom on, it was either the wrong way around (ie, the bottom of the frame turned out to be the side....) or not correctly aligned. It still isnt, but after four attempts I've decided that that one will be MY tag! I can stick it on my Christmas tree! The next one looks heaps better. I also made a cute little box to stick them IN.
Well, better feed the ratties, they will not feed themselves.
Angelrat the Slightly Demented.
Well I have been a complete and absolute SLUG!!! Well, OK , I was sick for a while there, but I am heaps better now. Time to really MAKE A BIG PUSH to sell some stuff! The markets will be on in the evenings now, which I think will be better cos I wont be in full sunlight - scrapping is not easy with the sun beating down on you! Does funny things to your adhesives, apart from anything.
I have made a start on some Christmas tags. It was soooo funny, the first one I did just would NOT stick where I wanted it to. It's a shaker tag, and every time I went to put the bottom on, it was either the wrong way around (ie, the bottom of the frame turned out to be the side....) or not correctly aligned. It still isnt, but after four attempts I've decided that that one will be MY tag! I can stick it on my Christmas tree! The next one looks heaps better. I also made a cute little box to stick them IN.
Well, better feed the ratties, they will not feed themselves.
Angelrat the Slightly Demented.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Seriously Weird Thing To Do
I was visiting Jen Hall's blog (gosh I feel posh saying that!), and she's got this funny thing to do you put your first name plus the word "needs" into Google and note the first five things that come up... So, being the type that has to try these things, I put linda needs into google, and this is what came...
Linda needs the following donated ... LARGE "CIRCUS TYPE TENTS"--
Linda needs to provide a fast response to customer needs
Linda needs to be part of a loving, committed marriage
Linda needs a new best friend
Linda needs as much free space at the front of the platform as possible
Now I know I'm not exactly svelte but the first and last are just plain rude! Actually, I kinda sound like a loser all round with these! Think I'll change my name to Lucy or something *grin*
Well I really HAD better go, things to do, places to be (pix to scrap!)
Linda needs the following donated ... LARGE "CIRCUS TYPE TENTS"--
Linda needs to provide a fast response to customer needs
Linda needs to be part of a loving, committed marriage
Linda needs a new best friend
Linda needs as much free space at the front of the platform as possible
Now I know I'm not exactly svelte but the first and last are just plain rude! Actually, I kinda sound like a loser all round with these! Think I'll change my name to Lucy or something *grin*
Well I really HAD better go, things to do, places to be (pix to scrap!)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
What a slackie!
Dear oh dear, havent blogged for a bit!
Hmmm - since the last exciting instalment, I have been WORKING!!! Yay for me! Well, OK, it was only three days, but that's still better than a kick in the teeth. I hope I get more.
I got an amazing package in the post yesterday. I sent for what I imagined to be a desktop size display board - and it turned out to be big enough for Lachlan to hide behind - standing up! Well, I will certainly be able to make a visible display, no-one will miss seeing me at the craft market next week!
My website is up and running now. It wouldnt work at first and I was feeling quite stressed about it all, but the next day I went to log in and *wahoo!* it worked! Some sort of time lag, I guess, very weird.
Well, I'll probably put some PICS on here tomorrow, but for now, it's time to toddle.
Super Angelrat!
Hmmm - since the last exciting instalment, I have been WORKING!!! Yay for me! Well, OK, it was only three days, but that's still better than a kick in the teeth. I hope I get more.
I got an amazing package in the post yesterday. I sent for what I imagined to be a desktop size display board - and it turned out to be big enough for Lachlan to hide behind - standing up! Well, I will certainly be able to make a visible display, no-one will miss seeing me at the craft market next week!
My website is up and running now. It wouldnt work at first and I was feeling quite stressed about it all, but the next day I went to log in and *wahoo!* it worked! Some sort of time lag, I guess, very weird.
Well, I'll probably put some PICS on here tomorrow, but for now, it's time to toddle.
Super Angelrat!
Friday, October 07, 2005
Thursday - payday!
Yippee!!!! I love payday - who doesnt?!!! Lachlan and I sallied forth bright and early this morning, as we do on Thursdays. We went to Woollies then McDonalds. The others didnt wake up for a while though so they had to reheat theirs. Ugh!
Still have to get Robert his new shoes. Fun fun fun. Not! I cant imagine why on earth some women like shoe shopping. It's the bane of my existence. Hate hate. Pity you cant go barefoot all the time!
Cheerio for now
Still have to get Robert his new shoes. Fun fun fun. Not! I cant imagine why on earth some women like shoe shopping. It's the bane of my existence. Hate hate. Pity you cant go barefoot all the time!
Cheerio for now
Thursday, October 06, 2005
My Urban Lily comp entry
Here is the layout I entered in my LSS's comp. It took AGES to cut out the flowers, and a long time to sew on the buttons.... but Stephanie liked it, and she's now thrilled that she is "famous" cos she is on display in the shop!!!!!
Wow it's Wednesday!
Great start to the day today, the kids slept in! They had been up until very late (or is that very early!) last night, and Robert and Stephanie didnt surface until lunchtime! Even Lachlan didnt get up til about 9:30 so it was really really quiet here. LOVELY!
Angel is going demented. She has put all the paper towelling from the bottom of her cage to the top shelf, and she's keeping the Undertaker up there too. When the 'Taker tries to get down, Angel nips her to keep her up. OK, Angel IS the 'Taker's mum, but really, Undertaker is 9 months old! I would wonder if she was pregnant but I dont think she met any boy rats when she got out of her cage not so long ago. Plus she isnt particularly fat...! Psycho Angel.
Stephanie and I spent a fun afternoon at Bernadettes, we were making star albums. Stephanie liked mine so she wanted on too. Hers is pink (of course!) and full of bright stickers and random photos, but it's a fun album. It took two and a half hours to make!!!!!
Payday tomorrow, hooray hooray hooray. Gotta buy Robert some new shoes (pooie! I HATE shoe shopping), and probably pick up some pencils, markers and the like for the kids for next term.
Cheerio for now!
Angel is going demented. She has put all the paper towelling from the bottom of her cage to the top shelf, and she's keeping the Undertaker up there too. When the 'Taker tries to get down, Angel nips her to keep her up. OK, Angel IS the 'Taker's mum, but really, Undertaker is 9 months old! I would wonder if she was pregnant but I dont think she met any boy rats when she got out of her cage not so long ago. Plus she isnt particularly fat...! Psycho Angel.
Stephanie and I spent a fun afternoon at Bernadettes, we were making star albums. Stephanie liked mine so she wanted on too. Hers is pink (of course!) and full of bright stickers and random photos, but it's a fun album. It took two and a half hours to make!!!!!
Payday tomorrow, hooray hooray hooray. Gotta buy Robert some new shoes (pooie! I HATE shoe shopping), and probably pick up some pencils, markers and the like for the kids for next term.
Cheerio for now!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Monday Morning
It is soooooo nice when it's Monday but NOT a school day! No Mondayitis around here!!!!! The kids are all asleep still, they were up late last night watching Police Academy movies. Scott has decided that late-night movies are the way to go these hols, so Stephanie and Robert are both camping out in his room so they can all watch in comfort. Poor Lachlan falls asleep too early and so he misses out...
TTFN - I'll put some pics of my star album in here later once I've uploaded them. It's pretty spiffy, if I do say so myself - Stephanie wants one too!
TTFN - I'll put some pics of my star album in here later once I've uploaded them. It's pretty spiffy, if I do say so myself - Stephanie wants one too!
Monday, October 03, 2005
Sunday Stuff
It's amazingly windy today! I'm glad I'm not teaching - for some reason kids seem to be silly as chooks on windy days. Weird!
I visited Bernadette AGAIN today, got some Urban Lily to make a LO for her UL challenge. I'm going to make a flower border for a pic of Stephanie, I hope it looks as cute IRL as it does in my imagination!
There's a South Park marathon on Foxtel. I dont think Robert is likely to go far from the telly until it ends! I think South Park is clever but I surely couldnt be fagged sitting and watching it 24/7...!
Oh well, time to go cut flowers......
Goals for This Week...
* Get my domain name registered.
* Make lots of little tags for the craft market.
* Finish my star album.
* Enter Bernadette's UL challenge.
I visited Bernadette AGAIN today, got some Urban Lily to make a LO for her UL challenge. I'm going to make a flower border for a pic of Stephanie, I hope it looks as cute IRL as it does in my imagination!
There's a South Park marathon on Foxtel. I dont think Robert is likely to go far from the telly until it ends! I think South Park is clever but I surely couldnt be fagged sitting and watching it 24/7...!
Oh well, time to go cut flowers......
Goals for This Week...
* Get my domain name registered.
* Make lots of little tags for the craft market.
* Finish my star album.
* Enter Bernadette's UL challenge.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Saturday Evening - or - Fun at the Funny Farm
*sigh* I must be the only mother in the world with a footy "oval" in her lounge room... Our loungeroom has no furniture (!) so the kids play footy in there. They use a vinyl covered foam ball about the size of a mutated tennis ball, and they use the arches at either end of the room as the goals. I have to have my bedroom door shut or else the footy gets in.... I sometimes wonder, are all kids like mine, or am I just lucky (!!??)
They are resourceful, at least. As we dont have any kind of timer, they set a Nintendo game on computer mode so it basically battles itself for five minutes. Each quarter lasts for five minutes. There is even a chime at the one-minute-to-go mark. As usual, Scott has kicked a**, but it seems to have been a good match as there was no crying, and they walked off the "oval" congratulating each other.
Well, now it is all quiet on the western front, I can go back to my scrapping zone.
In the words of the immortal Kev Heinze,
Angelrat the Magnificent.
They are resourceful, at least. As we dont have any kind of timer, they set a Nintendo game on computer mode so it basically battles itself for five minutes. Each quarter lasts for five minutes. There is even a chime at the one-minute-to-go mark. As usual, Scott has kicked a**, but it seems to have been a good match as there was no crying, and they walked off the "oval" congratulating each other.
Well, now it is all quiet on the western front, I can go back to my scrapping zone.
In the words of the immortal Kev Heinze,
Angelrat the Magnificent.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Saturday October 1
Dang Scott, he got me with the pinch-and-a-punch before I got him. I was actually thinking about it while I was shopping but when I got home I forgot - and HE got ME.
So far today I have done the shopping, done two loads of washing, got through the green polluted planet in Ratchet and Clank, checked to see if any of my missing CJs had turned up (they hadnt, note to self, dont do CJs unless you know ALL the participants!), and downloaded some Swans pics so I can do a LO of Scott's happiness when the Swans won the premiership. Of course, I also need to get some red card, must go see Bernadette (wow, that's hard to take!)
Lachlan came home from being at Anthonys' place, clutching a handful of daisies he'd picked. (Goodness knows were, someone presumably now has a bald daisy plant!). I was sooooo touched - what a sweetie!
So far today I have done the shopping, done two loads of washing, got through the green polluted planet in Ratchet and Clank, checked to see if any of my missing CJs had turned up (they hadnt, note to self, dont do CJs unless you know ALL the participants!), and downloaded some Swans pics so I can do a LO of Scott's happiness when the Swans won the premiership. Of course, I also need to get some red card, must go see Bernadette (wow, that's hard to take!)
Lachlan came home from being at Anthonys' place, clutching a handful of daisies he'd picked. (Goodness knows were, someone presumably now has a bald daisy plant!). I was sooooo touched - what a sweetie!
Friday, September 30, 2005
30 September Episode 2
Wow! this is not easy! I keep getting lost here. I know it will be fine as I get used to it, but I hate being a newbie!
Hmm, wonder if I can put a pic in here. Lets give it a try!

*grin* It worked!!!!! I can do pictures now! Now it's time to link to my friends :)
Then its time for bed!
Bye blog world!
Hmm, wonder if I can put a pic in here. Lets give it a try!
*grin* It worked!!!!! I can do pictures now! Now it's time to link to my friends :)
Then its time for bed!
Bye blog world!
The start of a weird blog!
Welcome to my blog!
Since loads of people have them now, I thought, why not? Looks like fun! Goodness knows who on earth will read it, though :)
Since loads of people have them now, I thought, why not? Looks like fun! Goodness knows who on earth will read it, though :)
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